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Shake The Tree of Liberty And Watch The Nuts Fall Out

Wednesday, Jan. 03, 2007 6:51 PM

Not content to be seen as just an average racist loon, Rep. Virgil Goode wrote an op-ed piece for USA Today.

In which he denies that he called for a religious test (using the Bible), but neglects to point out that the Bible (or the Quran) are used for the ceremonial photograph only, and not the actual oath-of-office.

He insists Americans have the right to elect any person of their choosing to represent them, but nonetheless continues to bemoan the influx of horrible evil Islamic people who will seek public office so they can destroy America.

Goode proudly points out that the Ten Commandments and "In God We Trust" are posted on the wall of his office, and he has no intention of displaying the Quran. Well, bully for you, Congressman. It's a pity that your faith is so weak that you can't tolerate others by way of comparison or discussing the subject in civil tones, but felt compelled to slap a college student down for a fair question.

He again paints the image of Islamic extremists pouring through the gates to mold America into the image of their religion, implying that Ellison and any other Muslim who seeks elected office must, of course, be One Of Them.

He closes by praising the Judeo-Christian principles that have made us a beacon for freedom-loving persons around the world. Which is always what the flag-waving, prayer-in-school types ask you to believe whilst they are busy enacting warrantless and illegal surveillance programs, suspending constitutional protections, rejecting habeas corpus, and otherwise lying through their teeth at every turn.

It's not the flag you wave, Congressman, nor how loudly you pray or display the symbols of your faith. It's what you are inside, and through your actions that the true quality of your character is shown.

And from the same end of the sewer comes conservative radio host Hal Turner.

"Any member of Congress who introduces, co-sponsors, or votes in favor of any such amnesty (for illegal immigrants) will be declared a domestic enemy and will be considered a legitimate target for assassination," Turner wrote on his website.

Turner considers himself protected by way of not directly inciting violence, yet he also has boiler-plate text on his website to cover his ass, should a listener be inspired to follow through on his suggestion.

Funny how these patriotic, Christian folk have this odd obsession with assassinations, rat poison, and just plain killing people.

Why can't we dredge a giant alligator up instead?

The White House is making sure everyone knows Saddam's execution is the problem of the Iraqi government, declining to comment on the procedure and the taunts that were shouted at Saddam during the preparations and expressing 'concerns' about the timing and procedure.

"Would we have done things differently? Yes, we would have. But that's not our decision. That's the government of Iraq's decision," said Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, the U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad.

"The most important thing to keep in mind, this is a guy who killed hundreds of thousands of people and received justice," said White House Spokesman Tony Snow. "He got justice."

The important thing to keep in mind, Mr. Snow, is that the appearance of impropriety will stain both the American and Iraqi governments. And any relgiious overtones to Saddam's execution should not be taken lightly.

A postscript to the whole Virgil Goode rant about the evils of the Quran.

Congressman Ellison will be using a copy with a special provenance. The English translation of the Islamic text was published in the 1750's, and belonged to none other than Thomas Jefferson.

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