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Death of a Tyrant

Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006 2:43 AM

Saddam Hussein is dead.

So now what?

Iraq is still plagued by a ruined infrastructure. Who's responsible for that? Saddam? Nope. Blame the Americans, who came in and bombed the place, then hired a bunch of corrupt war profiteers to not build hospitals and a police academy where sewage leaks from one floor to the one below.

Iraq is still plagued by insurgent-led violence. Who's responsible for that? Saddam? Nope. Nobody rallied around the flag to save Saddam, least of all the Shiites. It seems they're more upset about our presence and our intentions when we foist corrupt puppets like Ahmed Chalabi on the populace.

Ah, but surely, Saddam's pals in al-Qaeda would wage jihad to preserve their sanctuary, their breeding ground? Nope. They didn't lift a finger.

In fact, if you think about it, all of the violence, all of the soldiers killed over the past three years, all of the kidnappings and torture and executions have absolutely nothing to do with Saddam Hussein.

Even President Bush finally admitted that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

And the media has outdone themselves in their ghoulish glee, with none other than Larry King letting rip with this prize-winner:

"We'll have the death of Saddam for you as it happens � coming up on Sunday, Jack Hanna and his amazing animals!"

And tomorrow, Saddam will be relegated to the back page as America indulges in its annual display of drunken excess and hollow promises.

For shame.

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