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Onward Christian Soldiers?

Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2006 12:27 AM

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is famous for covering up her incompetence with the line, "I don't think anyone knew �"

And in the past, I've wondered just exactly who does know.

It seems the State Department is using Google for the task of identifying key people in Iran's nuclear program.

This came to pass because the CIA wouldn't release pertinent information, not wishing to reveal sources or methods, but the surprise is that a junior foreign service officer was tasked with finding the information and came to the conclusion that Google comprises the heights of research.

Yeah, Google. That's good. Let's check Wikipedia, maybe the Iranians are updating their own pages. And don't forget to check Osama bin Laden's MySpace page!

And there's more fun out of the Pentagon, as questions arise about the appearance of several Army and Air Force officers appearing in a promotional video for the Christian Embassy, an evangelical Christian group.

"I start with the fact that I'm an old-fashioned American, and my first priority is my faith in God, then my family, and then country," says Air Force Major General Jack J. Catton Jr.

The Christian Embassy holds weekly prayer breakfasts in the Pentagon and counsels military leaders to help them, "��bridge the gap between faith and work."

"We are the aroma of Jesus Christ," says Army Brigadier General Bob Casen.

In which case, we'd better open some doors and windows and get some fresh air in there, pronto. The last thing we need are a bunch of high-on-Christ prayer junkies in charge of our nuclear arsenal, or advising our Jesus-junkie of a president on his new path forward.

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