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Saving & Loons?

Monday, Dec. 11, 2006 9:33 AM

From the We're Here To Save You Department:

Federal agents arrested one Derrick Shareef for concocting a plot to set off hand grenades at a shopping mall during the Christmas shopping frenzy.

Shareef, who is an American citizen, was acting alone and did not have any hand grenades. He was arrested when he made contact with an undercover agent and attempted to trade stereo equipment for grenades.

Agents asserted that Shareef had to have learned about jihad through videos and web sites. Remember that when the republi-fascists* come after your DSL line and start blocking topics they deem inappropriate. (And if Shareef had learned about the Wonderful World of Jihad from the evil web, do you think he might also have learned about IEDs and not required grenades?)

He was charged with one count of attempting to damage or destroy a building by fire or explosion, and one count of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction.

"While these are very serious charges," said U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald, "at no time was the public in any imminent peril."

So, to sum up, we've managed to net ourselves another loony-tunes homebrew Islamist nutjob who didn't know how to obtain grenades. And it's likely that the acquaintance who pointed Shareef out to the FBI put him in contact with the agent who showed up to make the trade.

Naturally, the Bush Administration will claim this as a victory in their War on Terror, and how they're keeping us safe since 9/11.

*To be fair, it should just be 'fascists' ��the Democrats, who despite their harping about the Do-Nothing Congress, failed to demonstrate the spinal fortitude to stand up for freedom when President Bush and his thugs were savaging the Constitution.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2006-12-11 13:37:16
I'm starting to really think about the old trick you play on a new camper where you tell them to whack two sticks together to keep the elk from attacking. We beat our chests and throw feces (aka sling bullshit) whenever somebody stupid does a stupid thing and we can arrest them and claim a plot is foiled. Sigh.