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Un-alienable Rights?

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2006 11:32 AM

Even in America, all it takes for people to be deprived of their rights is the stroke of a pen.

Not that this stance by the Justice Department should be surprising. After all, the Geneva Conventions are quaint, and it's only torture if organ failure is involved.

If we're going to suddenly turn our back on centuries of legal precedent and American history, it'd be nice if we had something more meaningful than jingoistic tautology as the reason.

"Congress could have simply withdrawn jurisdiction over these matters and left the decision of whether to detain enemy aliens held abroad to the military," the Justice Department brief states.

In other words, Congress should have just gone the fuck away and minded its own fucking business. And that's the now lame-duck Republican Congress.

Speaking of being deprived of their rights, how is it that the BBC reports on Wiccans standing up for their rights, and the American media is silent?

The next politician who parrots that idiotic, '� as Iraqis stand up, we will stand down," rationale needs to stop drinking the kool-aid. Senator Carl Levin has it right; without a reason to stand up, they won't.

And there's something more than a lack of training at work here.

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