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Left Behind?

Monday, Nov. 13, 2006 9:20 AM

Is anyone else saying, "Huh?" in regards to President Bush's Weekly Radio Address?

"Whatever your opinion of the outcome, all Americans can take pride in the example our democracy sets for the world by holding elections even in a time of war," Mr. Bush said.


This strikes me as an ode to the invisible purple elephants running up and down Wall Street. There is absolutely no reason to invoke even the remote spectre of cancelled or delayed elections, unless, of course, the geniuses at Homeland Security forgot to tell us that Election Day was brought to us by the number 9/11 and the color Orange.

War has never been used to justify the cancellation of an election. (However, a primary election in New York, scheduled to take place on September 11, 2001, was suspended.)

On the other hand, the folks at Homeland Security were certainly thinking about cancelling and rescheduling the election in 2004.

And, along with Donald Rumsfeld, perhaps Bush needs to dump his speech writer.

"We had good discussions. I told them what I have told the men and women in my administration: We must put these elections behind us, and work together on the great issues facing America," Bush said, commenting on his lunch with House and Senate Leaders.

But those are words used when people are holding a grudge, or when they're speaking (down) to a minority.

Certainly, it is not the mentality or the phraseology that I want to see in any administration, Republican or Democratic. Elections are the expression of the people's will, not something to be 'put behind'.

One thing that has not changed in Washington is the rhetoric coming out of the White House:

"America faces brutal enemies who have attacked us before and want to attack us again." ("They never stop thinking of ways to harm our country, and neither do we.")

"Our Nation is committed to bringing you to justice, and we will prevail." (It should be noted, that even with the Military Commissions Act signed into law, it is not expected that trials of enemy combatants will begin until next summer, and the most notable names are not at the top of the list.)

"Iraq is the central front in this war on terror." (Yup. That kind of happens when you start a war on false pretenses.)

But the best line is, "America is safer, and the world is more secure because of the leadership of Don Rumsfeld, and I am deeply grateful for his service."

Would that be a letter grade of F U, Mr. Secretary?

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