The Ministry of Shadows

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Saturday, Oct. 21, 2006 3:44 PM

NFL fans can tailgate and enjoy Sunday's games without fear.

It turns out that threatened attacks against seven NFL venues were conceived as a joke by a bored grocery store clerk.

Given that Jake J. Brahm was still laughing after learning that he faces up to five years in prison a quarter-million dollar fine, he's not just bored, he's stupid.

Of course, since Brahm posted the same threat multiple times to different websites � as many as 40 times, by his own admission � if each one qualifies as a separate count, ol' Jake is in for a rude surprise. You do the math.

Brahm's attorney expressed shock at the reaction to the threats. His client is just a quiet, gentle person who meant no harm.

The judge showed considerable lenience by releasing Brahm on his own recognizance, though he is prohibited from using the internet or travelling outside Wisconsin and New Jersey.

Perhaps they should just turn Jake over to irate football fans, and then bill him for any costs incurred through heightened security.

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