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Devils & Commas

Monday, Sept. 25, 2006 1:47 PM

When Hugo Chavez likens President Bush to the devil, conservative pundits rushed to denounce the statement.

But apparently, it's okay for the Reverend Jerry Falwell to liken Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to Lucifer.

"I hope she's the candidate. Because nothing will energize my (constituency) like Hillary Clinton," Falwell remarked. "If Lucifer ran, he wouldn't."

Falwell was speaking at a Values Voter Conference. He offered assurances that God would preserve a Republican majority in Congress, and that moderates such as former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani cannot be allowed to win the GOP presidential nomination. (Hmm ... if a moderate won't do, will we be picking an extremist? And where are those values when we're codifying torture and secret prisons into federal law?)

In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, President Bush said, "I like to tell people when the final history is written on Iraq, (setbacks and sectarian violence) will look just like a comma, because there is � my point is, there's a strong will for democracy."

Mr. President, 2700 American lives and billions of dollars are not a comma.

When it comes to the National Intelligence Estimate, it's an exclamation point, and a question mark for those of us wondering when, exactly, your responsibility will amount to something more than a whitewash of your administration's continued train wreck of a foreign policy.

But, in keeping with Iraq being nothing more than a comma, Mr. Bush is soliciting firms to help rebuild Lebanon. You know, all the damage we stood by and watched as we sent bombs to Israel via express mail and insisted that just a few more days were necessary to break Hezbollah.

Because it no longer matters that we grossly overstated our goals for Iraq. That we haven't built the infrastructure that we promised. (It's now officially Prime Minister Nour al-Maliki's fault.)

And Hezbollah's leader isn't exactly making conciliatory statements.

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