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A Bookish Lad?

Thursday, Sept. 07, 2006 1:08 PM

About this time last week, President Bush made it known that he was really an interlectural, insurrectional, intuhlexuh ... really smart guy.

So smart that he's engaged in an informal reading contest with White House Advisor Karl Rove.

Bush is ahead, claiming to have read 60 books thus far, three titles in August alone.

*sniff* What's that smell? Oh, yes.

It's bullshit.

Mathematically speaking, for Bush to have read 60 books at the beginning of September, he'd have to average seven-and-a-half books per month. That would mean he'll complete an additional 30 books for the remaining time in the year, for a total of 90 books. That's nearly 1.75 books per week.

Now, I've been on disability for nearly a year, and I've only read 32 books, on subjects ranging from history and science to politics and fiction. I'm not counting titles that I've re-read, which would add another dozen or so titles to the list. (If reading a sequel, I often go back and re-read the previous book if it's been a while. I also read two or three books at the same time - a dinner-table book and a at-my-desk book, for example.)

I'm a fast reader. I read at the table, I read when I'm waiting in lines, and so on.

I find it questionable, at best, that the nation's chief executive has the time to read that many books. (A chief executive who, in the past, has claimed that he doesn't like to read.)

So, if the president's job is not so demanding as to prevent him from reading 60 books, why is he always going on vacation? And if the job is, 'hard work,' as he puts it, is he goldbricking by reading for entertainment instead of the considerable amount of material that comes with the job?

One would at least think that, having read American Prometheus, he'd learn to pronounce nuclear.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2006-09-07 17:11:14
You know, Readers Digest put out a series of best loved classics in abridged form; three per volume. Maybe that's what The Decider was reading.