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Why We're Not Safe or Safer

Thursday, Aug. 17, 2006 12:24 PM

Congressman Peter King believes airport security should put people of 'Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian' descent through additional screening because of their ethnicity and religion.

Because We All Know Timothy McVeigh was a Muslim Extremist.

Because We All Know John Walker Lindh was of Middle Eastern or Southeast Asian descent.

King says that while all Muslims are not terrorists, all recent terrorists have been Muslim, therefore it makes sense to profile.

However, let's look at the converse of King's 'profile' - all Caucasian people are not recent terrorists, and therefore should be exempted from additional screening. The flaw becomes painfully obvious.

It's like the suggestions for expedited security lines, as if terrorists won't bother to amass frequent-flier miles or pay exorbitant fees to join an exclusive list.

Worse yet, we need only look at the potential consequences if the 'all recent terrorists are Muslim' criteria proves to be wrong. Yup, that's right � the non-Middle Eastern guy gets through and blows up a plane. Ooops.

U.S. Federal District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor has ruled that the Bush Administration's warrantless wiretap program is unconstitutional and must be halted immediately.

I'm sure Alberto Gonzales will rush over to the Supreme Court to beg for an injunction, but I'm pleased to see the law and the Constitutional rights of American upheld.

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