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Calling The Shots

Wednesday, Jul. 19, 2006 12:15 AM

Alberto Gonzales told the Senate Judiciary Committee that it was none other than President Bush who blocked Justice Department lawyers from pursuing an internal probe of the warrantless surveillance program initiated by the White House.

So what makes Arlen Specter imagine that the president will agree to having his little program reviewed, in part or as a whole, by the FISA Court?

The president broke the law, and then like a guilty little putz, he has tried to cover it up, consistently and repeatedly.

But since Congress has decided that oversight means rolling over and putting their paws in the air, Gonzales also suggested they should just ignore the Supreme Court ruling on military tribunals and give their rubber-stamp approval to the president's plans.

Our foreign policy seems to be shaping up into, bomb the shit out of Lebanon for a week, then send Condoleezza Rice in to spread peace and love and all that's groovy.

Nor is Israel interested in nominal peacekeeping forces if their stated purpose is to provide a buffer that would only postpone any reckoning.

"The fighting in Lebanon will end within a few weeks. We will not take months," said Major General Moshe Kaplinsky.

It remains to be seen if that's a credible imitation of Donald Rumsfeld.

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