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No Clarification Needed

Thursday, Jul. 13, 2006 12:49 AM

Yesterday, I weighed in on the Bush Administration's seeming change of policy, wherein they would adhere to the Geneva Conventions.

I suggested it was too early to celebrate a kinder, gentler foreign policy.

And it turns out I was right. Sure, the White House says detainees have a right to those protections. They just want Congress to pass legislation that will pare that definition down, the argument still being the specious claim that language guaranteeing legal rights, "... recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples," is just too damn confusing.

That's just asinine, considering our founding fathers codified such protections into the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Still, I doubt that Congress will do much of anything. A little fluff of the pillows, and back to sitting on their worthless asses.

And, gosh, what a surprise. Columnist Bob Novak has finally admitted what folks have long suspected: Karl Rove was involved in the disclosure of Valerie Plame's status as a CIA employee, having confirmed the story. (Novak still refuses to identify his primary source.)

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