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Post-Mortem Stupidity / Stealth Ringtone

Monday, Jun. 12, 2006 2:00 AM

I've been waiting for a particular development in the Abu Musab al-Zarqawi story. It's the same kind of stupidity that usually settles over the Democrats after several days of empty posturing.

And I think it's right on schedule.

John Murtha is busy basking in praise for having called a few spades on Haditha. Other folks are busy calling for troop withdrawal, now that the Big Bad Terrorist has been tagged and bagged. Yup, a job well done by 'merica. Miller Time.

Now, it may be that al-Zarqawi's death may fit the 'cut the head off and the body dies,' model; then again, it's far more likely to fit the, 'cut one head off, and two more shall take its place,' paradigm.

Remember how the Pentagon released video of al-Zarqawi fumbling with an automatic weapon, trying � for whatever reasons ��to paint the Jordanian terrorist as incompetent? If al-Zarqawi was a terrorist mastermind, his organization will remain largely intact. If he was a bumbling oaf, then his death will leave a ready vacuum for someone aspiring to be the next Osama bin Laden.

Don't plan those homecoming parades just yet.

And teenagers have a new trick up their sleeve when it comes to classrooms and other locations where cellphone use is verboten.

It's a ringtone pitched to a frequency which the majority of adults cannot hear.

Kids, of course, hear it just fine.

The irony of it all is that the tone was first developed as an anti-loitering tool � kids would hear the 17 KHz tone, while adults would not.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2006-06-12 02:43:08
Anybody who drinks Miller beer after a political assassination deserves all of the warped karma they will surely receive.