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Shuffling Deck Chairs

Sunday, May 07, 2006 12:55 AM

To The Media:

The renewed shuffling of personnel within the Bush Administration is not an attempt to salvage anything. It's broken. See below.

To President Bush:

Having now gone through two White House spokesmen, a Secretary of the Treasury, a Secretary of State, two CIA Directors, and a second Chief-of-Staff, instead of trying to figure out why reality is still defying your will, go look in the mirror.

The common factor for all of the above is YOU.

It's not the facts that were unsuitable, it's not that these people failed to get the goodness of your message out, it's that you're a buffoon who is busy trying to blame others for your own failings.

Stacking the deck with another round of sycophantic toads will not change a thing.

Take responsibility for your decisions and actions. You haven't done that yet - you've said that you do, but when the cards hit the table, it's always been Someone Else's Fault.

It's time to grow up, George.

Addendum: 1:36 AM

Members of the House and Senate, it is time to impeach the insane nutjob currently occupying the Oval Office.

According to this article, Mr. Bush believes the actions of passengers on Flight 93 was, "... the first counter-attack to World War III."

Though it is David Beamer, whose son Todd died on Flight 93, who originally made the comparison in an opinion piece last month, I find it disturbing that a president believes we are fighting World War III. It's even more frightening when you realize Bush is listening to the voices in his head and calling them God.

Impeach Bush now, before he really does kick off a global war.

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