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Testing & Teasing

Wednesday, May. 03, 2006 12:34 AM

It's always interesting to see 'sample questions' from national programs intended to assess the extent of 12th graders' (high school seniors) knowledge.

For example:

Animals that reproduce sexually differ from animals that reproduce asexually in that sexually reproducing animals have:

A) a larger number of offspring

B) more genetic variation among their offspring

C) offspring that are nearly identical to their parents

D) offspring that are perfectly adapted to their parents' habitat

But with religious conservatives desirous of a constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between a man and a woman, as well as defining homosexuality as a choice rather than a matter of genetics, will we eventually have a generation of children that can't answer these questions? "Asexual? Isn't that one-a those abomination things in Leviticus?"

And what's with the fuss over comedian Stephen Colbert's lampooning of President Bush and his administration at the White House Correspondent's Dinner?

It certainly isn't disrespectful, not when Mr. Bush has, himself, made jokes about not finding WMD's in Iraq. Or when members of the administration think Dick Cheney's hunting accident is funny.

And it can't be any worse than Bush playing off a Bush impersonator for his own contributions.

Yet, FOX News is insulted because Colbert stuck one in their ribs about their trademark 'balance'. Come on, the White House hires a FOX News commentator to be their new press whipping boy, and you don't think people will make jokes about it?

Bush loyalists should be thankful Colbert's remarks were in a humorous vein. Because if you can't take that, you've no hope when the real criticism comes your way.

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