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Separate But Equal?

Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006 1:46 AM

On Thursday, the Nebraska State Legislature voted to segregate divide the Omaha school system into three districts.

Somehow, that wound up being predominantly along lines of race - black, white, and Hispanic. Supporters claim this will give minorities control over their own school board and ensure that their children are not shortchanged in favor of white youngsters.

Shortchanged how? Are teachers dividing their time amongst students and starting with white kids? Are the white kids so astoundingly smarter that the minority students are left in the dust of their intellectual achievements?

State Senator Ernie Chambers, the legislature's only black member and a proponent of the bill points out that schools attended largely by minorities lack the resources and well-qualified teachers provided to others in the district.

So giving the minorities control of their own districts will supposedly remedy this problem and provide a better education.

Right. Triple the bureaucracy, a third (or less) of the funding, and this is supposed to be an improvement?

But, apparently, since a black man made the argument, it must be good, because the legislature voted for its approval.

Critics say the law is unconstitutional and will not stand.

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