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Nukes Gone WILD!

Tuesday, Apr. 10, 2006 12:13 AM

President Bush, the all-knowing, all-seeing kind of guy he is, today dismissed Seymour Hersh's account of ongoing war planning as 'wild speculation.'

Forgive me for the large boatload of skepticism, but this is precisely the same nonsense that we were subjected to prior to the kickoff of the Iraq war -- bland assurances that force is a last resort, that all options are on the table, and so on.

Right. A formal place setting comes with a salad fork and soup spoon, but that doesn't mean I'm planning on ordering either soup or salad.

Expect to see a slow creep towards the use of military force and continued 'diplomacy' more in keeping with a belligerent drunk than dignified statesmen.

And while the Bush Administration is taking their, "Gee, ain't Democracy grand?" routine for a spin -- the rhetoric that dissent is possible in a Democracy, and so on -- in a mature democracy, sometimes folks actually listen to those dissenting voices.

The sexual assault case hanging over lacrosse players at Duke University took a strange turn this afternoon, as results show no DNA evidence to corroborate the victim's story.

It would seem to exonerate the players as being the woman's alleged attackers, though medical records obtained through subpoena show the woman did have injuries consistent with sexual assault.

And it doesn't explain the e-mail allegedly sent by one of the players, which talked about hiring a stripper and then killing her.

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