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Mars Needs Nukes!

Saturday, Mar. 04, 2006 2:07 AM

Congratulations to Rev. Jane Spahr, a Presbyterian minister in San Rafael. Rev. Spahr had been brought before a regional judicial commission of the Presbyterian Church for her violation of the church's position on same-sex marriages; Spahr had officiated at two such ceremonies.

The commission voted 6-1 in Spahr's favor, stating that her actions were in keeping with her own religious views and the "normative standards" of the region.

Key to the Bush Administration's defense of its warrantless spying program has been the argument that the power to enact such measures is granted through the Constitution and further implied by the Authorization of Force.

But in an opinion piece in the Washington Post, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle says a last-minute request from the White House for specific wording granting such powers was, in fact, refused.

Oh, joy. The Bush Administration is making plans to expand our nuclear arsenal, including an overhaul of the production process so that new types of weapons with different or modified capabilities could be ready in as little as 18 months.

Funny how that still got approved even after Congress specifically banned research on the 'burrowing bunker-buster bomb'.

Note that neither Osama or Saddam seem to have been in their bunkers when we hit them.

Hey, it's the weekend! Have some (albeit twisted) fun!

(Credit Where Credit Is Due: The cartoons are taken from two books by Andy Riley, a British writer.)

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