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Poison & Progress

Saturday, Jan. 28, 2006 12:02 AM

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter is all for a Supreme Court with a more conservative makeup.

So, she says, someone should poison Justice John Paul Stevens.

"That's just a joke, for you in the media."

Sorry, Ann. You say such outrageous things that we can't tell the difference anymore. After all, you hold disgraced Senator Joe McCarthy forth as a great American hero.

Should we file your book, "How To Speak With A Liberal (If You Must)," in the humor section? (Seeing as your answer to the title question is, '... with a baseball bat.')

Your comment is on a par with Pat Robertson suggesting people should pray for certain Justices to die, or for their cancer to come out of remission. Though, as you once said, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity," you and Pat probably get along famously.

But I digress. Your comment is reprehensible, and grossly disrespectful to both the institution of the Supreme Court, and a man who has a respected and long-standing career in the judiciary.

Why are people upset about warrantless wiretaps and an unchecked executive?

Because there are people like you out there.

And that's not a joke.

Documents obtained by the ACLU through a Freedom of Information Act request reveal that the U.S. Army has, on at least two occasions, held Iraqi women hostage in order to 'leverage' their husbands into surrender.

No longer just a claim by human rights activists, it is documented. On paper. In our own hand.

You'd think we were playing, "Grand Theft Auto: Fallujah," instead of fighting a war.

For shame.

Whenever people ponder the cost of the war in Iraq, or the progress we've made, there's usually a hearty round of scorn heaped upon the 'mainstream media,' for their failure to report the good news, how we've helped rebuild Iraq's infrastructure and brought water and electricity to the masses.

As it turns out, a Government audit shows that hundreds of projects will not be completed, because funds were shifted to meet unanticipated security and other needs.

Progress has been made, but the audit shows significant shortfalls of the goals set forth by the Coalition Provisional Authority, which had expected a, "... much more permissive security environment." (Right. You're fighting a war against terrorism, the Administration keeps calling it the central battleground in that war, and you expected security would be a minor concern?)

And this news doesn't include the claim that Kellogg, Brown, & Root (a division of Halliburton, Dick Cheney's old stomping grounds) couldn't see fit to provide our troops with clean water.

It makes one wonder about the 'progress' President Bush described during a recent visit to New Orleans.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

scottdki - 2006-01-28 10:09:27
to these idiots, progress in Baghdad=progress in New Orleans.