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Just Visiting

Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 12:02 AM

In a visit to the Gulf Coast, President Bush made the profound statement, "We've come a long way in four months. Four months is not all that long, and a lot's happened in that four-month period. And a lot more is going to happen in the next four months, and then the next four months."

Let us not forget, Mr. President, that our starting point was the direct result of your appointing an incompetent, inexperienced, self-styled fashion god to manage FEMA. Or that Homeland Security Michael Chertoff was equally clueless, when Hurricane Katrina's expected path and impact was the focus of much attention.

And FEMA has released new figures showing close to two million people were displaced by the disaster.

To be fair, New Orleans residents aren't too happy with the recovery plan proposed by a special commission. The plan includes a four month building moratorium throughout most of New Orleans, and raises concerns about the use of eminent domain to seize homes instead of rebuilding them. (The Commission was appointed by already-beleaguered New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, who is already hemming and hawing about whether or not he'll accept their recommendations.)

What was that about, 'a lot more happening in the next four months'?

But that's not all the President had to say. He pointed out New Orleans is, "... a heck of a place to bring your family ... a great place to find some of the greatest food in the world and some wonderful fun."

Just ignore the neighborhoods that were completely destroyed.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

scottski - 2006-01-13 12:23:40
whenever the disqualifier "heckuva" pops up in Presidential rhetoric, it's all downhill from there... if not an outright lie. or complete delusion. where are the cries for "censure"?