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Rejected Theology II

Friday, Jan. 06, 2006 12:05 AM

There are days I feel sorry for Pat Robertson. It seems his only experience with God is standing witness to God's punishing folks. Namely, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for, 'dividing God's Land.' (Pat also seems to think the 1995 assassination of Yitzhak Rabin is also a case of God doing his Frank Castle* imitation.)

Yes, Pat lives in an odd world, one where magical forcefields empowered by God's Grace protect His Most Favored Nation from terrorist attacks, but God is so petty as to remove that protection because of the amassed sins of the liberals, the gays, the pagans, and the secularists.

It's a world where God lays the smackdown on townships like Dover, Pennsylvania, for refusing to teach the faith-based science of Intelligent Design.

It's a world where praying for a Supreme Court Justice's cancer to come out of remission is a compassionate, godly thing.

Given Pat's penchant for ascribing tragedies to God's Hand, we can only imagine that God had President Lincoln killed because he didn't like the whole freeing the slaves thing. God whacked John F. Kennedy because he had a tryst with Marilyn Monroe or something. And, since we clearly didn't get the message when Abe got his, Reverend Martin Luther King was killed because God still has a beef about that whole equality and civil rights concept.

And what would that make Ronald Reagan's death from Alzheimer's Disease (not a fate I'd wish on anyone)? Did Pope John Paul II forget to do something?

But maybe it's not God at all, it's that damned chain letter from Saul de Groda.

* Frank Castle is the 'secret identity' of the Marvel Comics character, The Punisher.


Apparently, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad agrees with Robertson, though I imagine for different reasons.

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