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Ain't Misbehaving

Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005 12:27 AM

Two young women have filed suit against the California Lutheran High School, alleging that they were called into the principal's office, questioned about their sexual orientation, and - because one girl said she loved the other - were expelled.

The lawsuit claims the principal informed the girls' parents that 'those feelings' were not acceptable at the school; a letter from the principal describes the girls' friendship as, "... uncharacteristic of normal girl relationships and more characteristic of a lesbian one." Such a relationship would violate the school's, "Christian Code of Conduct," is "scandalous," and, "immoral."

While the school's Code is not available on their website, their mission statement includes, "(dealing) with each student as a redeemed child of God, offering counseling, encouragement, and loving Christian discipline."

That is, unless they think you're a lesbian.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Bindyree - 2005-12-31 04:00:47
I have been with people of both sexes, and I also have short hair and a tattoo. I guess that means I'm going to Hell. Siiigghhhh