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The Man Who Saved Christmas

Tuesday, Dec. 06, 2005 5:31 PM

Conservative groups have a new strategy for recommending Samuel A. Alito as the next Supreme Court Justice: he believes in Christmas.

Or, more specifically, he believes in the right to have public displays specific to the elements of the Christian faith that are celebrated at this time of year.

But, if a 'litmus test' style question on a woman's right to choose and abortion is considered biased, how is pandering to a conservative Christian electorate any better?

Shouldn't Judge Alito's ability to uphold and defend the Constitution be based on how well he serves the needs and beliefs of all Americans?

Isn't Christmas celebrated in the heart, more than in grandiose public displays shoehorning Christ in-between Santa and other overdone expressions of commerical goodness?

Is one's love for Christ Jesus, one's commitment to His Teachings made any stronger or more pure by whether or not there's a Nativity display in the town square?

Frankly, Christmas long ago became a case of the merchants running amok in the temple courtyard, and browbeating merchants like Target for using the word holiday instead of Christmas, trying to paint the whole thing as some twisted liberal conspiracy, and lining up lawyers to sue those who believe differently than we do - shows how shallow and superficial we've become.

It's time to acknowledge Christmas as a blending of our diverse spiritual and cultural heritages, to focus on the themes of family and charity, of good will towards all, and celebrate instead of bicker.


It appears President Bush is on the receiving end of 'Christ belongs in Christmas' ire; some conservative Christians are upset with the use of a generic greeting in this year's White House Christmas Card.

In regards to respecting diversity, William Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, says, "Spare me the diversity lecture."

And Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association is bothered that, "... the White House card leaves off any reference to Jesus, while we've got Ramadan celebrations in the White House."

Ah, true Christmas spirit. Exclusion, bigotry, and hate. Whatever happened to, 'Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men?'

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

John - 2005-12-07 13:27:31
Bravo, Bob! I would think that if one is trying to do the things the Prince of Peace said we should do in his Gospels (i.e.: being nice to each other, for example), regardless of one's particular religious beliefs, then one would, in fact, be following Christ's teachings, whether one were celebrating Channukah, Eid, Solstice, Quansaa, or.... Christmas!