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What The Internet Will Look Like Under SOPA
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Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
Monday, Nov. 14, 2011

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Guilt By Association?

Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005 7:58 PM

Pope Benedict XVI has had enough of the Franciscans, and I don't mean he agrees with Bill O'Reilly. The Holy Father has effectively rescinded the 1969 decree signed by Pope Paul VI that gave the Franciscan Order autonomy and made them ambassadors to peace movements and 'outside' cultural and religious groups.

Apparently, the former Cardinal Ratzinger has never seen eye-to-eye with the Franciscans, looking askance on a 1986 interfaith summit that involved non-Christian groups such as American Indian dancers and Voudoun priests.

I imagine restoring the Inquisition can't be far behind for the Doctrinal Rottweiler of the Roman Catholic Church. Instead of outreach, we're seeing more exclusion.

If God is going to judge us by the company we keep, perhaps we ought to remember that Jesus Christ didn't spend his time with the Pharisees - he spent it on the street, ministering to those in need.

Not those whose ideology he approved of.

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