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Rocks In Your Head

Monday, Oct. 03, 2011 5:12 AM

I'm not a fan of Herman Cain or Rick Perry, but the latest political dust-up shows what a bunch of ninnies are in the running.

Cain is criticizing Perry for owning a property where the word 'niggerhead' was used, decrying it as insensitive. Perry's campaign apologized, said the family had taken steps to remove the word.

First of all, the word niggerhead is descriptive of several types of plants, as well as coral formations. Second, and more significantly, the derogatory nature of 'niggerhead' in the U.S. was directed at pro-equality voters (per the Oxford English Dictionary).

And for someone who has both impugned President Obama's birth certificate, and who insists the Tea Party isn't racist, Cain is hardly in a place to throw stones. What's the word? Oh, yes: HYPOCRITE.

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