The Ministry of Shadows

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Enough, Already!

Monday, Mar. 07, 2011 4:45 PM

It will soon be ten years since the events of September 11, 2001.


Seriously, folks, we've got Rep. Peter King (R-NY) preparing to hold hearings on homegrown radical Islamists, who are clearly poised to destroy America.

Oh, look, here's Never Seen Before Footage of 9/11 from an NYPD helicopter!

We've got potential candidates for the Republican nomination in 2012 who still think that Obama was born in Kenya or raised in Indonesia or harbors some long-standing gripe against British Colonialism, which therefore means he must be opposed to the original 13 Colonies, and therefore he's anti-American!

I swear, Osama bin Laden, or whatever loser is carrying the standard now must be laughing themselves silly. America is still wetting its pants at the merest hint of terrorism.

Isn't ten years long enough to check under the bed and realize the boogeyman simply isn't there? All we've really seen are a parade of wannabes who either fail in their execution or are co-opted by undercover agents.

Shit, fucking Puxtatawny Phil has more intenstinal fortitude than the people who are frightened of a goddamned cultural center because it's supposed to be some kind of pissing-on-a-hydrant territorial marking game by the evil Muslims.

Enough, already!

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