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Flub Song?

Tuesday, Feb. 08, 2011 7:09 AM

Pop diva Christina Aguilera is being roundly criticized for botching a line in her performance of the Star-Spangled Banner at Super Bowl XLV.

As if she planned it. As if she didn't rehearse enough, or is too vapid to remember the lyrics.

"But it's the NATIONAL ANTHEM!" some have wailed.

A song which has been treated with far less courtesy and respect by Roseanne Barr. A song which some members of Congress don't know by heart. For that matter, we have this ditz from Wasilla who can't name any of the founding fathers without being prompted, and she wants to be president.

Aguilera kept singing. She didn't miss a beat, didn't muff a note, didn't burst into tears and stomp off stage. In this sense, she embodied part of what makes America great. We don't quail and whine, we pick ourselves up and keep going.

The National Anthem is neither a prayer nor a magical ritual. It is a celebration of the spirit underlying the founding of our nation. America is not diminished by a singer's flub.

And if your knickers are still in a twist, we're closing on baseball season. Your home team is doubtless holding auditions for singers to perform the National Anthem. So either get your ass over to the ballpark and show us your perfect pitch, memory, and stellar talent ...

... or quitcherwhining.

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