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For Someone Who's Being Silenced, You're Certainly Talking A Lot

Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011 4:18 AM

Unsurprisingly, Sarah Palin went on FOX News to justify her use of the term, 'blood libel.'

"Blood libel obviously means being falsely accused," she explained.

"Obviously"? In other words - she doesn't actually know what the term means, or why it is offensive to so many Jewish people.

Palin goes on to claim, as has Rush Limbaugh, that this is all part of a liberal conspiracy to silence conservatives and take them off the air.

Wrong, again. According to Limbaugh himself, in the 'marketplace of ideas,' good ideas flourish and bad ideas perish. So if America has roused from its usual stupor to denounce violent and inciteful rhetoric, it's the marketplace of ideas kicking Palin and Limbaugh in the teeth.

And, please - when you're on a major cable network, syndicated on radio, have your own website, use Facebook and Twitter ... you're hardly 'being silenced.'

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