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Just Plain Audacity, No Hope

Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010 3:57 AM

The Bush Administration Obama Administration is proposing legislation that would require the manufacturers of communications technology featuring encryption - such as Blackberry and Skype - to be able to decrypt messages sent using their product, so as to enable federal law enforcement to monitor such communications.

Beyond striking me as a presumption of guilt, this is more of the 'oooooooh, terrorists are using phones' horseshit that was peddled by the previous administration. And we still don't know how many Americans had their phones tapped, or to what extent.

The way the government is pitching this, you'd think that every Blackberry user or Skype caller was a terrorist. Which, when you think about it, is decidedly untrue - the ether is full of texting teenagers and mundane blather, and probably damned few terrorists.

Techie note: the creators of Skype included encryption because they grew up in an Eastern Bloc state where the government routinely spied on its citizens.

We are yet again being asked to accept the concept of a benign government keeping watch over our private conversations in order to keep us safe. This is not freedom in any guise; it is embracing elements of tyranny and failed states. It is a line sold to us not only by the previous Republican president, but now by the current Democratic president. And I wouldn't exactly hold out hope that an independent would let go of the bright shiny, either.

For this reason, I am now stating that I will not vote for Barack Obama, should he seek a second term.

I've had enough of weak-kneed politicians and the Fear Parade.

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