The Ministry of Shadows

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Ewwww Pair?

Friday, Sept. 24, 2010 3:58 AM

The fake controversy du jour is about singer Katy Perry and her upcoming appearance on Sesame Street, singing a G-rated version of her song, 'Hot and Cold.'

The video was leaked on YouTube, and parents are upset with Perry's choice of attire, a close-fitting mini-dress that shows the singer's cleavage.

The show's producers promptly announced they would be pulling the segment.

Oh, woe betide our children. They're going to see boobies. It'll scar 'em for life.

Stuff and nonsense. Children aren't normally breastfed beyond the age of 2 years. They don't retain an instinct to seek out female mammary glands for nourishment.

As for it being 'too sexy,' isn't that the judgment of adults? Isn't that the context that we teach them, or allow them to absorb through the media by way of a lack of parental guidance?

Stop trying to protect your kids with the intellectual equivalent of bubble wrap.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2010-09-24 12:35:50
Aureoa gotta thank you for keeping abreast of this story! :-)