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The Professional Left

Thursday, Aug. 12, 2010 3:48 AM

A question for White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs: When did you start taking cues from FOX News?

We're talking, of course, about Gibbs' derisive comment about the 'professional left' - which he then demurred, called 'inartful,' then decided he meant it anyway. Throw in some spittle and invoke George Soros, and you could sit in for Bill O'Reilly.

Because the 'professional left' is criticizing the Almighty Obama instead of gushing over what he's done for the economy! He pushed through healthcare reform! He's ending DADT!

Reality check, Gibbs.

Instead of pursuing accountability, Obama (via Geithner and Summers) enabled banks to walk off with their million-dollar bonuses and perqs.

Instead of the 'robust public option,' which he touted in speeches, Obama bowed to the GOP minority and the insurance lobbyists.

Guantanamo is still open. DADT is still effective policy in the military. Instead of drawing down troops in Afghanistan, we're going all in.

And let's not forget that Obama voted to weaken FISA when he was still a Senator, or that the previous administration is guilty of war crimes by their own admission.

Do we even need to talk about the docile pandering to BP over the Deepwater Horizon leak? (75% cleaned up? Really?)

Judge Vaughn Walker is expected to release his ruling on whether or not there will be a stay imposed on same-sex marriages during the appeals process.

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