The Ministry of Shadows

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What The Internet Will Look Like Under SOPA
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Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
Monday, Nov. 14, 2011

Beware of Asteroids
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Life, With Interest

Tuesday, Jul. 27, 2010 3:50 AM

It should come as no surprise that while Tony Hayward will be stepping down as BP's CEO, he will be pocketing $1.6 million for his hard work, plus an annual pension of $928,000.

This is why corporations don't give a flying fuck about regulations and safety - because they're never held accountable, and it never impacts their wallets.

Score one for protesters in London, who redecorated a BP service station with a new logo: BP's green & yellow sunburst as a setting sun over a lake of spilled oil and putting up fencing with banners touting, 'Closed. Moving Beyond Petroleum.'

Then there's the U.S. government's response to the flood of leaked documents pertaining to the war in Afghanistan.

With the standard refrain of the disclosure being a threat to national security and how it concedes critical intelligence to the enemy, George W. Bush might as well still be in office.

Get us the hell out of Afghanistan, or we'll end up like the Soviet Union - bankrupt and a chaotic, disaffected set of independent states like Wasillastan and Teabagnya.

We're supposed to be smarter than the other guys.

I'm increasingly disappointed with the Huffington Post's Religion section, as it seems to be devolving into a shoehorn-Jesus-into-everything. Atheism suffers from a lack of Jesus. Science needs Jesus to help make sense of the universe. Here's an article of how Jesus can help you lose weight, or find peace of mind. And have you tried Jesus with your Yoga?

Next up, commentary on Scripture!

Just call it Huffington Post's Christianity section, and you'll at least be honest.

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