The Ministry of Shadows

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Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
Monday, Nov. 14, 2011

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See, Saw?

Thursday, Jul. 22, 2010 3:49 AM

Apparently, Andrew Breitbart isn't done spinning lies about the Shirley Sherrod story. Now, Breitbart is claiming that the Spooners (the couple that Sherrod spoke about, and who credit Sherrod with helping save their farm) are plants. Fakes. Liars.

Oh, and he also claims he didn't know the video was edited.

Bullshit. If you have a single camera present, then a recorded speech will be a single, unbroken shot. There will be no 'cuts' to a wider angle or a crowd reaction - you will see either a pan or zoom. Any deviation from this would mean either in-camera editing (start/stop recording) or editing after the fact.

If you have a multiple camera setup, then you know there's editing involved.

For Breitbart to claim he didn't know the video was edited is utter nonsense.

And if you're among those who lament/lambaste the 'mainstream media,' then you damned well need to be skeptical of your sources, whether it's a protester claiming police brutality or a conservative hack claiming racist behavior on the part of a government employee.

What was it Reagan said? Trust - but verify.

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