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Who's The Liar, Again?

Wednesday, Jul. 21, 2010 3:44 AM

Andrew Breitbart strikes again and claims another victim thanks to the unethical editing of video. (As a professional editor in television news, that's akin to criminal malfeasance.)

Shirley Sherrod, employed by the USDA, resigned after remarks she made at an NAACP dinner in March, which implied that Sherrod had favored a black family over a white family in deciding who received aid.

This was 24 years ago, and it turns out that Sherrod was instrumental in helping the white family keep their farm - that their plight helped Sherrod realize the difficulties being experienced by all families.

Sound familiar? It's the same modus operandi as the ACORN dust-up, where Breitbart's pet felon protege, James O'Keefe, 'exposed' the vast store of corruption within the organization.

What's laughable is that this, again, comes from the conservative corner that laments liberal media bias at every chance, while trampling even the most remote hint of journalistic ethics.

Sarah Palin has drawn more guffaws over a recent series of tweets addressing plans for a mosque near Ground Zero, asking people to 'refudiate' the idea. A second attempt used the word 'refute.'

And, in classic Palin style, when called on her mistake, she excused it by saying even Shakespeare made up words.

So, among the reasons that Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin are once again a happy couple ... is that they're shopping the concept of a reality-television show based on their reconciliation and renewed courtship.

Constance McMillen, the student whose high school cancelled their prom rather than let McMillen, a lesbian, attend with her date, has won a $35,000 settlement from the school district, ending a suit filed on her behalf by the ACLU.

A bit of a FAIL for Jack in the Box. They recently introduced mini funnel cakes as a dessert item, and the drive-through hawks them with a pre-recorded 'would you like to try ...?' message before you interact with a live person.

But the local franchise has been out of them since Friday.

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