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Seeps & Creeps

Tuesday, Jul. 20, 2010 3:49 AM

Gosh, what a surprise: the cap is leaking, though both Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen and BP spokesweasels claim it's not a problem.

There's also seepage from the ocean floor two miles away, but it's claimed that this is not related to the Deepwater Horizon well. The question to ask is: was it there before? If not, what has changed to create a new seep? And why, exactly, were you looking at the sea floor two miles away if you're going to dismiss any connection?

Over the weekend, CHP officers were involved in a shootout with a man who was heavily armed and wearing a ballistic vest. His vehicle also contained a suspicious device that a bomb disposal unit detonated as a routine precaution.

The suspect's mother suggested that he was angry at 'left-wing politics' and that the guns might have been hers - she was keeping them in case there was a revolution, you see.

Does this line of craptastic thinking ring a bell? Left-wing politics? Rise up and fight back? Armed rebellion against a tyrannical government? Yep. It's the standard line out of the Tea Party/Glenn Beck crowd.

So, somehow, an attempt at healthcare reform and watered-down financial regulation is a dire, socialist threat against America, but we'll just pretend the steadily-growing parade of kooks who are actually taking up arms are just a handful of people on the fringe.

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