The Ministry of Shadows

Last Five Entries

Gone, But Not Forgotten?
Friday, Jan. 20, 2012

What The Internet Will Look Like Under SOPA
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

Fearsgiving Week
Monday, Nov. 21, 2011

Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
Monday, Nov. 14, 2011

Beware of Asteroids
Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2011


FirstGov Portal

Legislative Database

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Bruce Schneier

James Hudnall

Glenn Greenwald


You Are Dumb

All links are current as of the date of publication. All content created by the author is copyrighted 2005-2010, except where held by the owners/publishers of parent works and/or subject materials. Any infringement of another's work is wholly unintentional. If you see something here that is yours, a polite request for removal or credit will be honored.

Proper Planning, etc.

Monday, Jul. 12, 2010 3:54 AM

There's a jury summons sitting on my desk. It's always fun (in a sarcastic sense) because trying to cover my 4 AM shift is difficult when you're making last-minute calls after 5:30 PM the previous evening ... even when you've notified your superiors about the possibility.

Took the plunge and joined Crackbook Facebook last week. It's both neat and weird at the same time, as I've been 'found' by several old friends and former colleagues.

Final Cut Pro is a nice program, but the challenge is going to be organization ... in the sense that there's a lot of talk about switching over to a server-based newsroom (as opposed to tape), but we've heard nothing about media management (including the basics of who's going to do it and how).

Ad hoc won't cut it. There's a flood of video available on any given day, and we'll have to be able to search through it all and find a specific story, so naming files and assigning keywords will be critical. Details like the photographer's name and/or reporter will also have to be incorporated into the file name or metadata.

Another win for planned obsolescence - my EPSON printer went belly up as the result of a paper jam, which has reduced the print quality to somewhere between totally illegible and non-existent.

I mean, really. One paper jam, and that's all she wrote, so to speak? Are we looking at crap products with the real money-makers being extended warranty plans and ink cartridges? God bless America.

So we're trying a Kodak printer this time around, since that's like the third EPSON that has died from print-head/ink-nozzle no-worky-work.

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