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Executive Experience

Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2010 3:48 AM

There's a lesson (beyond the obvious) to be had in the Deepwater Horizon incident. We're looking at successful, profitable companies with happy, successful executives.

And yet they're the stewards of one of the worst environmental disasters in decades, brought about by their greed and 'executive experience.' They've been exposed as liars, and their contingency plans for spills are grossly outdated and insufficient.

So perhaps voters need to think long and hard about putting more 'executives' into political office.

General Stanley McChrystal is in hot water for remarks he made in an interview with Rolling Stone. So he was called back to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Obama.

The dilemma is that if Obama fires McChrystal, then he's a baby who can't take criticism (never mind that such is detrimental to the perception of a unified command structure). On the other hand, if he keeps McChrystal where he is, then critics will doubtless paint Obama as a spineless wimp.

The real problem, of course, is not one that can be solved by playing musical generals. We need to re-examine our foreign policy insofar as recent efforts to spread democracy have consisted of toppling local warlords/dictators, installing a 'friendly' administration, and then wondering why the place is still a shithole instead of a prosperous, young democracy.

Chef/author Michael Ruhlman has a nice rant about food labeling.

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