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Slick Talk

Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2010 3:36 AM

Conservatives keep trying to associate disaster with President Obama, calling the Deepwater Horizon incident, 'Obama's Katrina' - a meme that isn't catching on as well as they'd hoped.

So George Will offers up this one: it's Obama's Iranian Hostage Crisis, an event that turned Jimmy Carter's tenure into crap.

But, if so, will we find another Iran/Contra scandal lurking in the wings, George?

BP CEO Tony Hayward was busy denying the existence of any oil plumes over the weekend, claiming that the only oil involved is on the surface.

Is there really a reason we're entrusting both cleanup and recovery efforts to these chronic liars? I'm beginning to think that if Deepwater Horizon hadn't blown up, fallen over, and sank into the Gulf, BP would just be sneaking off the stage while the damn well gushed to no end.

And BP is busy deploying more of another kind of dispersant - weasel words - as they continue to whitewash the fact that they're stumped. Just as with the 'top kill' attempt, this week's new plan, cutting off the damaged section and capping it with a new valve so they can hook up a pipe and pump oil into waiting tankers is being hedged. It could make it worse, for a brief time. It might not stop all of the oil. We might have to wait until August for the relief well.

This would be like addressing a sinking ship by saying, "But think of all the fish we could catch as they rush in through the breach!"

The point is to safely close down the well, not rehabilitate it so BP can recover their losses from an unsafe operation in the first place.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2010-06-01 15:27:10
If the Obama administration had a six-day headstart to prevent the oil derrick explosion, like the Bush administration had with Hurricane Katrina, the comparison might stand a chance of having some kind of accuracy and fairness.