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Here's Your Fucking Oil, Hume

Thursday, May. 20, 2010 3:33 AM

Someone call Brit Hume over at FOX News and tell him his fucking oil is here.

Dead sea birds, marine life, and even wetlands grasses are coated with a sheen of BP's finest. WWL-TV in New Orleans reports that those grasses will die off in about a week.

A CBS News crew was turned away by a Coast Guard patrol as they approached the shoreline.

"It's not our rules, it's BP's," said an unnamed Coast Guard officer.

WTF? Isn't this like letting a criminal suspect control access to the crime scene?

The idiocy over Arizona's SB 1070 continues to expand, with a state official now suggesting that Los Angeles rethink its boycott of Arizona, because power plants in Arizona supply a portion of Southern California's energy ... and, well, it'd be a shame if they had to rework the contracts or something.

So, setting aside fantasies of what chaos could be wrought from states fucking with each other in this manner, let's presume the Supreme Court weighs in on this whole sad affair and says no, SB 1070 is unconstitional.

Are we going to simply add another ruling to the Bush v. Gore pile? Will Arizona refuse to comply? What of the converse?

And why is it that so many people can cite slavery, the civil rights struggle, or the Japanese Internment, but repeatedly ignore the Chinese Exclusion Act, where this same kind of hatred/fear of immigrants fueled nearly 60 years of discrimination?

Oh, yes. Today is 'Everyone Draw Muhammad Day,' a protest inspired by incidents like the recent censoring of a South Park episode, and, on a more serious note, threats and acts of violence perpetrated against artists who deign to draw the prophet in editorial or satirical cartoons.

Because, you see, the Koran forbids the depiction of Muhammad ... ostensibly because the prophet didn't want people focusing on him, or to have his image become more important than his message.

But apparently, this gives Muslims the right to impose their beliefs upon non-Muslims. They believe in free speech, as long as it's free speech within the guidelines of their religion.

So, ladies and gentlemen, here he is, straight from the Holy City of Mecca, everyone's favorite Islamic prophet, the one, the only ... Muhammad!

. <-- Muhammad

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