The Ministry of Shadows

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Gone, But Not Forgotten?
Friday, Jan. 20, 2012

What The Internet Will Look Like Under SOPA
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

Fearsgiving Week
Monday, Nov. 21, 2011

Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
Monday, Nov. 14, 2011

Beware of Asteroids
Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2011


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You Are Dumb

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Class Acts

Thursday, May. 06, 2010 3:43 AM

Take a moment to visit Bindyree and read about retired USMC Gunnery Sergeant Glenn Bruce Blakey.

Isn't this the kind of horseshit that got the Catholic Church in trouble? Looking the other way with sexual predators?

Time served is still a conviction.

Jen McCreight has photos of a campus display case at Purdue University that, shortly after being set up to showcase the campus non-theist group, was vandalized by some Fine Upstanding Christian Kid.

Senator Joseph Lieberman wasn't speaking figuratively when he said a citizen accused of terrorist activity should be stripped of their citizenship. He's apparently going to propose a law for that express purpose.

Senator, you are a disgrace to the office you hold.

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