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Stupid With Fear

Wednesday, May. 05, 2010 3:52 AM

The arrest of Times Square bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad appears to be a very close thing - he was on a plane bound for Dubai when it was ordered to return to the gate.

But perhaps more important are the reactions of two leading senators:

John McCain suggested that Shahzad, a naturalized U.S. citizen, should have his constitutional rights suspended. And that since it was attempted murder on an epic scale, that Shahzad should be sentenced to death.

Joe Lieberman goes one step further and recommends that Shahzad and other terrorists who happen to be citizens be stripped of their citizenship.

Ladies and gentlemen, the terrorists are winning - our leaders are stupid with fear.

Furthermore, they're selling us an entirely unrealistic world view: zero terrorist attacks. That if one does happen, sacrificing our constitutional liberties will somehow make us safer.

But the fear is spreading, and so is the stupidity.

A 17 year-old fan was tasered after running onto the field at Citizens' Bank Park during a Phillies game. Video shows the kid dodging ballpark staff and a security guard, who used the taser to bring the kid to heel.

Tasered for running onto the field.

Yet common among the arguments on the web are lines like, "What if he'd had a weapon?" / "What if he'd had explosives?" / "What if he was a terrorist? Wouldn't you want to be safe?"

Yes, better taser everyone who deviates from the norm. They're clearly terrorists.

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