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Sailor Jack's

Monday, May. 03, 2010 3:38 AM

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig continues to leak approximately 210,000 gallons per day via three leaks.

A temporary ban has been placed on fishing in federal waters, and the State of Louisiana has closed several fisheries.

Perhaps the dumbest thing said about the spill to date is from Rep. Gene Taylor (R-Mississippi): "It's not as bad as I thought."

Police are investigating a failed car bomb left in Times Square and are skeptical of claims that the Pakistani Taliban are responsible.

Police have released surveillance camera footage that shows a person of interest: a man who was in the vicinity of the vehicle who stopped in the middle of the street to change his shirt - possibly to alter his appearance, but if so - why choose a shirt that's a pullover? (Another possibility would be to be rid of a surface layer that might carry residues that could be detected, but if you had your change of clothes in the car with you, wouldn't they also be contaminated? Did he stop at a store and buy a 'I <3 New York' t-shirt?)

Worth checking out: Sailor Jack's on First Street in Benicia, California. It's a newly-opened restaurant that has an innovative chef and a top-notch house manager (both were recently at another local restaurant whose quality and promise dropped sharply when they left). Prices are moderate.

My wife and I caught a late dinner on Saturday night, and the service was still excellent, despite it being near to closing time for them.

The menu is in keeping with the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch program, which offers guidelines for sustainability as well as criteria for both wild and farm-raised seafood. Vegetables are obtained from the local farmer's market.

We enjoyed a fried calamari appetizer with a spicy remoulade that was incredible - the calamari was tender, lightly breaded, and not at all greasy; the remoulade had a nice touch of heat, but without the heavy mayonnaise flavor found in the most common preparations. I went for an Anchor Steam-battered fish and chips (a light, crispy batter, not greasy), while my wife tried a ribeye steak with a salad of heirloom tomatoes.

The meal concluded with a 'deconstructed' banana cream pie that was absolutely sinful.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Rumblelizard - 2010-05-03 19:29:59
Dang! I wish I had a restaurant like that near me. Every time I've had a fish & chips since I moved to Scotland, it's nearly killed me. Talk about greasy.