The Ministry of Shadows

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To The Moon ...?

Wednesday, Apr. 14, 2010 3:41 AM

Former Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell, and Gene Cernan have written an open letter to President Obama about the future of NASA and the American space program.

Arizona state legislators have approved a bill that would require police officers to determine a person's immigration status if there is 'reasonable suspicion' that they may be an illegal immigrant.

And if they're not? Why, you've just violated the 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure, which are predicated on 'probable cause.'

This is why the standard of probable cause is so essential to our freedoms, and why it was important to have intelligence officials like General Michael Hayden know the difference. (He didn't, as you may recall.)

If it's so easily abandoned to chase down illegal immigrants and terrorists, what - and who - is next on the list? Militia members? Environmental activists? Religious extremists?

Doubtless copying a similar stunt from earlier this year, a 14 year-old girl accessed the intercom at a Whole Foods store in New Jersey and directed all blacks to leave the store.

But, no, America doesn't have a problem with racism.

It's time for stores to implement new procedures - instead of a generic intercom code, either limit access to a location off the store floor, such as an office, checkstand, or central kiosk; or require the code to include an employee-specific (such as a security card, which they're already carrying) or changing component (and, no, I don't mean something like 0414 today, 0415 tomorrow).

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