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No School For You!

Monday, Mar. 08, 2010 3:52 AM

San Francisco Police Chief George Gascon will not continue to seek equipping his officers with tasers, following a vote by the police commission against the planned policy.

Attorney Jim Hammer, who had supported Gascon initially, changed his mind after hearing about research that calls the safety of taser weapons into question, despite continued claims by the company that the weapons are safe.

First it was the man who wanted officials to rename Mt. Diablo to Mt. Reagan.

Now there are a bunch of yahoos who want to put the former president's likeness on the $50 bill.

Never mind that Nancy Reagan spoke against putting her late husband's image on the dime.

A U.S. Army bomb disposal expert is claiming that 'The Hurt Locker' was based on his experiences in the Iraq War, and that the producers are plagiarizing them.

This sounds like every other suit against the producers of a major motion picture, with plaintiffs claiming they created Star Wars or Raiders of the Lost Ark. Frankly, I'm surprised no one has sued James Cameron, claiming that they created the Na'vi.

The CEO of the Tennessee Hospitality Association cost himself his job when he forwarded an e-mail comparing First Lady Michelle Obama to a chimpanzee.

The Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, is informing parents that if they wish their children to attend Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School in Boulder, Colorado, they must live according to Catholic principles.

Which has led the Archdiocese to refuse readmission to a student whose parents are a lesbian couple.

Fair enough, I suppose - if you're also going to kick out students whose parents support the death penalty, or going to war under false pretenses in Iraq (which hardly meets the standards of a 'just war' under church doctrine). What's next, checking parents' nightstands for contraceptives? House calls to make sure people are observing Lent? And surely, there must be other issues of import, such as upholding educational standards over religious dogma.

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