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Sean Hannity <3 <3 <3 Sarah Palin

Friday, Mar. 05, 2010 4:00 AM

From 'The Blind Leading The Stupid' Department, FOX News' Sean Hannity insisting that Sarah Palin is more intelligent than Barack Obama.


And from the 'Did I Say That? I Must Have Been Crazy' Department, Rep. Michelle Bachmann, who was quite vocal in decrying the 2010 Census as being another insidious plot from ACORN as well as a means for the Obama Administration to round up citizens and put them in camps, is now encouraging people to complete the Census form.

And the leading nominee for Asshole of the Century Award is Rep. Joe Stupak, who insists he will derail any healthcare reform legislation if his provision barring federal funds from being used for pro-choice groups is omitted.

Seriously, Congressman - why are you pushing for legislation governing a body part (uterus) and biological process (pregnancy) that you neither have nor can experience?

Get your grubby mitts off women's reproductive organs.

Via Bruce Schneier's Security Blog, a column that puts terrorism into perspective.

And another observation by Harry Shearer over at HuffingtonPost, regarding the whole Obama-is-undermining-the-fight-against-terrorism meme pushed by Dick Cheney and his vicious little daughter.

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