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Free Dumb Is On The March

Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010 3:39 AM

While Sarah Palin is busy denying the existence of 'extremists' in the 'tea party' movement, there are members calling for the lynching of a U.S. Senator.

There's a growing interest in doing away with the filibuster, because it's one of the reasons the Democrats haven't led the nation into a new era of peace and prosperity.

It only takes a 3/5 majority to attain cloture. That's 60 out of 100 votes, something the Democrats had until Massachusetts elected the visible Scott Brown over the invisible Martha Coakley.

And they still couldn't get shit done.

The filibuster isn't the problem. Congress - and what passes for 'work' in those hallowed halls, as well as Democratic 'leadership' - is.

Last week brought us the inexplicable change of heart from President Obama regarding the big banks, wherein he went from castigating them about obscene executive bonuses to giving them a free pass, because it's part of the free market.

And, God knows, we're all about the free market here in America. We just love them trickle-down Reaganomics.

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