The Ministry of Shadows

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Spamming the Protest Button

Friday, Feb. 05, 2010 3:42 AM

Because CBS is airing the Super Bowl and, thus, the pro-life ad featuring quarterback Tim Tebow, there was a crowd of protesters outside the building yesterday as I left work.

One protester asked me if CBS was going to pull the ad. I replied that it wasn't my decision. (I'm wearing blue jeans, a long-sleeved jersey, and combat boots. I have long hair and a full beard. Do I look like an executive to you?)

Someone helpfully chimed in, "Fascist!"

While we're owned and operated by CBS, none of the corporate officers call San Francisco home.

So what's a citizen to do? First, educate yourself about the public's role in holding your local broadcasters accountable.

If you still feel the need to complain, here's a link to the FCC complaint form. You will need to provide the name of the program, the time the objectionable material aired, and the reason you found it objectionable. ("Fascism" is not one of the choices.)

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