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Spamming The Jesus Button

Monday, Feb. 01, 2010 4:23 AM

There's much ado about an ad slated to air during the Super Bowl. The ad features up-and-coming quarterback Tim Tebow, talking about how his mother, despite medical advice recommending an abortion, 'chose life.'

Presto! Out pops the miracle of Tim Tebow, and the world would have been so much poorer and darker without his shining presence.

Piffle and nonsense. Spamming* the Jesus button doesn't make you special - it makes you an attention whore seeking credit for a decision that is difficult for some and not an option for others.

As I've said before, countless women choose life every single day without turning it into a religious soap opera. Children are born into comfort, and children are born into poverty and need. Yet do we hear conservatives praising how single mothers or low-income families 'chose life'? No, we hear that they're a bunch of slags out to burden the honest taxpayer by being on the dole and adding to the cost of healthcare.

But wait! There's more!

Attorney Gloria Allred is questioning the veracity of Pam Tebow's story - because she was on a missionary trip in the Philippines.

And since the 1930's, abortion has been illegal in that country, with no exceptions for rape, incest, or to preserve the health of the mother. Doctors and nurses who perform abortions are also subject to prison sentences of up to six years.

So what doctor in the Philippines would have counseled Pam Tebow to receive an abortion?

* "Spamming" - gamer slang for repeatedly using any move/attack (usually a basic one) as a substitute for strategic depth and/or actual skill.

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