The Ministry of Shadows

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Fear & Loathing

Monday, Jan. 25, 2010 3:56 AM

Clearly, we're not scared enough, because Osama bin Laden has made it known that the Pantybomber (Umad Farouk Abdulmutallab, for those of you with short memories) was Entirely His Idea.

And then there's the tidbit that Pantyboy may have been connected to a number of suspected terrorists in the UK, said people being part of a growing 'jihadi subculture.' (In other words, They're Everywhere! Be Very Afraid!)

Can we stop conflating these idiots into world-threatening supervillains?

Incidentally, it should be noted that 'security officials' have either been tracking or have reconstructed Abdulmutallab's activities and contacts as far back as 2006.

Reuters has obtained emails that show the New York Federal Reserve and insurance giant AIG pressed the SEC to treat the specifics of the bailout as an issue of 'national security.'

When did the SEC begin ruling on national security? This strikes me as another 'if we tell you, the terrorists will learn about our methods' job ... only in this case, it's the American public that's being treated as the threat. We're not allowed to know what our financial 'experts' are up to, because that would be bad.

Current South Carolina Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer drew a parallel between stray animals and the poor, noting that when you feed stray animals, they breed.

Bauer insists he wasn't saying that people on government assistance were animals.

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