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No Majority For You!

Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2010 3:50 AM

Election results from Massachusetts have Republican Scott Brown winning the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat, triumphing over Democrat Martha Coakley.

Thus endeth the hope of a 'filibuster-proof' majority for the Democrats, which would have been effectively useless when one of those votes is 'independent' Senator Joe Lieberman. Plus, there's a passel of 'blue dog' Democrats highlighting that the Democratic caucus lacks any serious measure of unity and has to shop Republicans for support.

This doubtless means my mailbox will be clogged with more desperate pleas from the DCCC for money to 'strengthen their majority.'

I won't go so far as to predict a midterm upset, but the Democrats' penchant for compromise over leadership and bipartisanship-at-all-costs instead of calling out obstructionism isn't helping.

Author Robert B. Parker, the creator of the literary detective Spenser - which enjoyed a run on television as the series Spenser For Hire with Robert Urich and Avery Brooks - has died at age 77.

And Erich Segal, the author of 'Love Story,' has passed away at age 72.

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